We're delighted to announce that SRS MapCHECK®now supports the Accuray CyberKnife® System and vertex fields, including HyperArc™. With this release, CyberKnife and HyperArc users can significantly streamline their patient-specific QA by eliminating the need for film.
SRS MapCHECK was designed to replace film for patient-specific stereotactic QA. It inserts into StereoPHAN™ for stereotactic commissioning and end-to-end testing.
Features in Focus
- 2D Array for SRS applications
- 1,013 SunPoint® 2 Diodes, providing high resolution
- Replaces film and standalone detector, expediting the workflow for time-sensitive patient QA
- Works with static, rotational, coplanar and noncoplanar (including vertex3 ), CyberKnife, FFF,cone and MLC fields
- With the StereoPHAN, supports irradiation from any gantry angle

Validation with CyberKnife
David Parsons, Ph.D., and his team at UT Southwestern Medical Center recently published an abstract on this new capability:
Characterization and Validation of SRS MapCheck for Patient Specific QA On CyberKnife M6
D Parsons, et al., AAPM 2019
“The use of SRS MapCHECK has been characterized for a variety of clinical plans. The results show thatSRS MapCHECK is well suited for this task.”
Review the abstract here >